You've finally found what your looking for!
To say that training with Chris Parker has been an incredible experience would be an understatement. Whether you are training for competition level or you just want to have a nice pet, Chris' training system is flexible enough to fit everyone's needs. She is not a "cookie cutter" trainer, she adapts to fit every situation no matter the breed or the experience of the handler/owner. Chris' depth of knowledge is remarkable. It spans from the physiology of the dog to the psychological and behavioral side. If there is something she does not know, you can be sure it won't be for long. She is always learning about new trends and increasing her knowledge throughout every possible related area, human and animal. I have trained with many well known trainers. Chris has been the first trainer that I have encountered that has approached our problem areas from so many different angles. Not only is she persistent on fixing the problems, she is also adamant about the relationship between the dog and handler/owner being a strong one. I highly recommend any opportunity you get to train with Chris whether it is at a seminar, camp, private lesson or class. You won't regret it. ~ CZ, Rhode Island

Chris is THE Agility trainer....
Her understanding of the behavioral side of her canine students is complimented by her knowledge of the physical and training aspects of agility. She has an uncanny knack in her ability to transfer knowledge and years of experience to her handlers We have worked with Chris since last year and she has done wonders with our 1.5 year old Australian Shepherd. We would strongly recommend her for private instruction, group instruction or seminars. Chris even has the patience, fortitude and sense of humor to work with a handler who has a tendency to look a bit like Rainman when working with his dog. Thanks to Chris Parker, Agility and our lessons at Speedoggie, my relationship with Jack becomes more and more special. ~ TS, New Jersey

Head and shoulders above the rest
The training provided by Chris Parker at Speedoggie is way ahead of the pack. The training system is consistent yet based on the individual temperament of the dogs and whether your dog is stressed and motivationally challenged or high drive, Chris can show you the best methods to achieve your training goals. There is a natural connection that she has with the dogs that goes beyond anything I've ever seen in anyone working with animals. If you have a chance to work with her privately, in a seminar or at group lessons...GO. You'll be paid back ten fold in the improvements in your relationship with your dog and you'll have fun at the same time. ~ KF, Pennsylvania

Simply the BEST!
Chris is a fantastic trainer who brings out the best in the handler and dog. She has great dog sense and is always out to do what is best for the dog. My daughter is 13 years old and has been training with Chris for 3 1/2 years and is competing at the top levels in AKC & CPE with both of her dogs. ~ AS, Massachusetts

The facts are...
We have Briards and one border collie. I have never met or known anyone that understands the Briard the way that Chris does, including other Briard owners of 30 and 40 years!. What makes Chris unique in her training style is her dedication to learning all she can about dogs in general and about all different breeds. She reads and studies everything she can get her hands on and has a very easy to understand presentation of her knowledge. You can give her a synopsis of a behavioral issue that no one including "behaviorists" can help you with and she can figure out exactly what is going on and have within moments a viable plan on how to handle the problem, fix it or just handle it depending on your goals. I have never seen anyone hit the nail on the head bluntly and succinctly as Chris does. She is a fabulous skills trainer and handling trainer but this behavioral and psychology of the dog thing is way beyond the scope of most trainers that I have ever come in contact with. And what she does not know she will find out because she spends countless hours in libraries and on line researching scientific facts about dogs how they are structured and how it affects performance and training and how they think and feel. I swear at times she knows my dogs better than I do! Whenever I go to a training session with Chris I am high for the next week and cannot wait for the next session! She is a truly amazing trainer and I am so lucky to know her and to be able to call her my trainer! ~ JS, New York

Run Don't walk!!
I have had the privilege of training with Chris Parker for over 15 years. It is rare that you find all the qualities necessary to be a brilliant dog trainer, handler and instructor in one person, but I have found that in Chris.
Chris has the uncanny ability to read a dog and figure out how to best help the handler/trainer be successful with that particular dog. Although Chris has had great success with her Border Collies, she has also been very successful with her Golden Retriever, Dalmatian and Terrier. Probably the best testament to Chris' abilities is the success of her students with dogs of every kind.
Chris' passion for dog training and teaching is evident at first impression. Her high energy and positive attitude are overflowing and she inspires everyone she works with. If you ever have the opportunity to train with Chris, run don't walk!! ~ GY, Florida

I had made it to the “Major Leagues”
After my first morning at Chris’ Speedoggie Camp, I called up my son and told him I had made it to the “Major Leagues”.
Having gone through the camp with less than a year’s worth of experience and a young dog, I found my whole approach changed. I was no longer intimidated by competing in trials and realized how much of the team’s performance relates to handler skills and the dog’s foundation training. In three days my year old dog was exposed to such a variety and high quality of instruction that it has enabled us to compete successfully at all different levels.
I have carried our experience to private lessons with Chris with our other dogs and enjoyed one-on-one training with someone who has the innate ability to focus immediately on a specific problem to work on through her observation. Additionally, she is acutely able to know what is going on between the dog and the handler and can pinpoint and articulate the dynamics in such a way that the handler is able to understand and work through the problem.
My Briards are not the every day agility dog. Chris seems to understand their behavior and thought processes better than I do. The other thing that is immediately apparent is her genuine love for the dogs and their fondness for her. ~ AS, New York

The benefits of lessons from Chris Parker:
At age 9, my daughter Christine came to Chris Parker to start training. Cooper had behavioral issues, and was petrified of contacts (teeters, dog walks and A-frames). Within five shows (9 days of trials) Cooper and Christine had novice and open titles and won their class in their very first excellent run -- a testament to the excellent training from Chris Parker.
Chris' lessons offer what it takes to get ready to run trials successfully. She quickly identifies key areas for development, and focuses on that, but always with an eye to keeping things fun for the handler and the dog. She provides training courses that are tougher than what is typically encountered in excellent courses in trials, so dog and handler are ready to face whatever challenges a trial offers.
Chris' approach of training the trainer has been the most critical part of learning from her. She takes the approach of building up the confidence of both dog and handler, developing their skill, challenging them to stimulate development of both dog and handler, and the bond between them
Chris takes the approach of getting the dog and handler ready, planning and building for success in the trial ring, so trials are fun. Lessons, while demanding, are also fun. Not an easier thing to do. Chris mixes anecdotes, drills, and course work to create an experience that is unsurpassed in terms of being both productive and fun.
My daughter Christine has been working with Chris for several years now. She learned not only about agility, but about how to handle and train her dog, Cooper. She's learned about competing -- but never at the expense of having fun. She's developed and cultivated a relationship with Cooper. All with Chris's guidance. If a parent recommends Chris -- what higher recommendation can you get? ~ JC, New Jersey

Learn agility the RIGHT way!
I started working with Chris Parker in late 2000. My dog had some issues - in 46 trials he had 1 std. qualifying leg. One trainer said I needed to do obedience with him (he had 2 CDX legs at the time). He would wander around the course after doing a couple of jumps/obstacles, just sniffing. He'd forget his name.
Another well known trainer told me he was dominate and I would never get any titles until I neutered him (she never saw the dog). When he started to leave the ring (he left 3 times), I pulled him from competition. Two people approached me and suggested Chris Parker. She could fix the problem.
For almost a year we worked on Dublin's issues (lack of concentration, stress), but more importantly, my skills as his team mate (my 1st agility dog). Chris watched, evaluated the situation and with great insight put a plan together.
When we finally ventured, tentatively, back into the arena, we got our Novice titles in AKC in 5 shows. We have our NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, NAC, TN-N, TN-O, 2 Std legs in USDAA, 1 Std. leg in NADAC Open, and 1 leg in AKC std. preferred. We owe ALL of Dublin's agility titles and qualifying scores to Chris. In 2001 he was ranked #10 Doberman in Novice and in 2002 he was ranked #2 Doberman in Open by Front and Finish magazine. He's retired now, due to a shoulder injury (he's 9 1/2 years old), but our team work was great.
I have a new rescue bitch, and her very first lessons were with Chris...I want her to learn agility the RIGHT way, right from the beginning, and Chris will help us become a competitive team to be proud of, and will be there throughout her agility career.
On a personal note, I have yet to meet anyone of Chris' caliber that's as easy to work with as she is. Yes, she's tough, more on the 2 legged part of the team, but she's also fair ~ and the dividends! Wow, just wonderful. ~ EH, New Jersey

Chris found the weaknesses in my training program...
I've been working with Chris since 1999. Chris found the weaknesses in my training program for each of my dogs, helping me to quickly develop a training outline to address our issues. Bogart and I needed to learn to run more efficiently and to have more speed in general on course. Torch and I needed a lot of jump work as well as control at speed. Chris was able to adapt her program to meet our individual goals, focusing on better communication and handling and more motivation. She is a fun and energetic instructor who encourages us to work to our full potential while having fun at the same time. ~ JM, Connecticut

Chris will provide the right guidance to make your team the best...
I started competing with my first agility dog Tipo. He is a young 2.5 year old Spanish Water Dog and is a rare breed. He is the only one of his breed competing in this country at this time. I really wanted to compete at the best of our potential.
I completed a few Novice titles when I ran into a contact problem with him that needed to be addressed. I tried to fix the problems with the suggestions of other instructors, but it wasn't working. I saw an interview with Chris in Clean Run magazine. I noticed that she had worked with different breeds and she enjoyed contact training. I felt that she might be the right person to help me.
After she evaluated us, she said she could fix our problem. She introduced me to foundation training and we progressed from there. Her teaching methods were very different to me and they worked. I also learned so much more about detail, handling and focus. I continued to take lessons from her so we could improve. I was really amazed at the progress we made. What I really like about Chris is how down to earth she is. She explains things to you in a very concise manner and is detail oriented. At the same time, she wants you and your dog to have a fun experience. She understands your team's behaviors and temperament. She then is able to help you to efficiently train properly. It wasn't all about obstacle training to become a better team. She looks at us as an unique team and provides us with a program that works just for us.
I would highly recommend her for her teaching methods whether you have a young or seasoned dog. If you are willing to put in the training time, Chris will provide the right guidance to make your team the best it can be. ~ JA, Pennsylvania